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    It's Okay to Not Be Okay: How to Identify, Address and Navigate Mental Health in the Workplace

    Date: May 17, 2023, 7:45am
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    No one likes talking about mental health. It’s stigmatized, it’s scary, and it’s anything but comfortable. It’s also very much misunderstood. And, whether you like it or not, its impact on our work and life is here to stay.

    It’s time to talk about it, and to talk about it more effectively. It’s also time to recognize the signs, learn the proper tools, and create safe spaces to make it okay to not be okay. As we navigate life post Covid, addressing mental health in the workplace is more important that ever. Studies show 80% of workers experience some type of mental health challenge - from stress to anxiety to a more serious diagnosis. And the cost to employers is an estimated thirty billion dollars annually.

    Brave conversations surrounding mental health are needed. The more we talk about it, the more
    we can create safe, supportive workplaces for everyone to thrive.

    Key Takeaways:

    • Learn the characteristics that make up the Agile Mindset & The Growth Mindset.
    • Explore the big Bravery Barriers that may be getting in your way.
    • Gain confidence to speak up, advocate for your needs, and engage in 'Brave Conversations.'
    • Identify what is, and what isn't, in your control, and understand how to remain unflappable regardless of what is happening around you.

    SPEAKER: Carol Schulte

    An authority on building braver cultures, and an advocate for mental health, Carol has been educating, empowering, and entertaining audiences internationally for almost a decade. She is committed to helping you 'get your brave on!' ~ where you realize the bravest thing you can do, is to be brave enough to be you. 

    She holds a BFA in Theatre Performance, an MA in Communication, two postgraduate certificates in coaching and mentoring, and has worked with numerous Fortune 500 companies, International Associations, and thousands of leaders and individuals to step into the bravest version of themselves. Whether it be willing to throw spaghetti at the wall, nailing a big presentation, or climbing Africa’s highest peak (where she's brought groups), her clients attribute her insights and inspiration to achieving what they never thought possible.

    Carol is a published author, been featured in numerous magazines and podcasts, and is a returning guest expert on Rogers TV in Canada. Having lived and worked in 16 countries including Ashrams in India and vans in New Zealand, rocked dreadlocks in Thailand and shaved her head for breast cancer, she certainly walks her talk and brings a global perspective to all she does. When she’s not traveling or speaking on stage, you can find her working with her 'Brave Beyond Diagnosis' community - for women living with a mental health illness - or practicing her serious carpool karaoke game!


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