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    January Chapter Meeting: Culture

    Date: January 18, 2023, 7:45am
    Event Type:
    Chapter Meeting
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    Behold the Triad of Terror: The Great Resignation, Quiet Quitting, and a looming dark cloud of a
    Recession along the horizon of the Cascades. The resulting feelings: HR Professional Panic!

    What can you do to overcome the Triad? Keep the employees you have and get their best work!
    Workplace culture can be perceived as the panacea to disengagement and retention, but workplace culture is not a magic pill, taken once and ta-dah everything is fixed! Culture is a living breathing thing and must be nurtured. In high-trust cultures, where everyone rows in the same direction, employees get a deep sense of belonging, accomplishment and meaning in their work which converts from a productivity and engagement strategy into a retention and recruitment edge.

    OPTIONAL PRE-WORK: Organizational Climate Survey

    Speaker: Anthony Poponi, CEO & Founder of Focus on the 40

    Anthony Poponi the CEO and founder of Focus on the 40 and is an expert in positive psychology - the applied science of happiness. Anthony travels the country speaking at conferences and hosting workplace workshops to bring out the best in team cultures. Anthony has called Bend, Oregon home for two years. Be ready to laugh, learn and apply!

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